Oportunidades de Investigación Públicas

Public Research Opportunities

07-12-2023 Enhancing Multi-Dimension Exploratory Analyses through the Devil’s Quadrangle
In a first stage, we have devised a method for filtering event logs based on Process Performance Indicators (PPI) from the four dimensions considered by the Devil’s Quadrangle. You can see the implemented method at https://bit.ly/dq_dashboard. In a second stage, we enhanced the implementation of the method for calculating distinct metrics in a centralized manner. In a third stage, we seek to incorporate additional value by providing tools that facilitate the realization of exploratory analyses. Specifically, you will be tasked with: • Calculating and visualizing the Pareto front of every pair of dimensions. • Defining a metric for the identification of cases with optimal performance. • Visualizing the Devil’s Quadrangle for the expected values of a group of cases. • Studying the feasibility of incorporating a dimension related to resources to the method.
Prerequisites:  IIC2733

Evaluation method: Nota 1-7, with 0/1 available vacants

Mentor(s): Open in the plataform